Rams athlete charged with assault


author: john loeppky, kristian ferguson, taylor balfour | editor in chief, news editor, news writer

Rams reeling after controversy/ Konstantin Kharitonov

Rams athlete charged

As first reported by a number of local media outlets, including the Regina Leader-Post, CKOM, CJME, CBC and Global, a University of Regina Rams athlete has been charged with assault causing bodily harm.

The incident happened on Oct. 6 outside of The Owl. Former Ram and Vice President of Operations of Cultureaffix, Marcus Kuling of the promotional group that put on that evening’s event: Student Nights at the Owl Presented by Culture Affix, highlighted the steps their group is taking since the incident.

“We’ve made a larger effort to talk to campus security about having better moniterization [sic] outside of our events to improve security. Obviously, having a better briefing with our security before the event on, if something occurs outside, what’s the protocols behind it.”

Kuling stressed in a later message that Cultureaffix is not in charge of security at the events they promote.

Associate Vice President of Student Affairs John Smith could not comment on whether the Ram involved, named by various news sources as Takudzwa Timothy Brandon Gandire, would be subject to sanctions from his office, but did elaborate on the process that would take place in such a scenario.

“A process like this would be like any other non-academic misconduct process. So, you’d follow the guidelines as they are aligned in the calendar, there’d be an investigation, and then a package investigation would come to me for a sanction, if there was one, or a recommendation for a sanction. It would probably be talked about with me and athletics, not for the sanction part, but what they would do with their part as part of the investigation. It would be treated like any other investigation on campus, if there was assault.”

When reached for comment, external relations released a statement.

“The University of Regina is aware that a student-athlete has been charged in relation to an incident that occurred at The Owl Bar and Restaurant the weekend of October 5.”

“The University can confirm that, as per the student-athlete code of conduct, the student has been suspended from all team activities while the matter is before the courts.”

“The University is unable to comment further on this matter.”

Karl Schubach, Hospitality and Events Manager at URSU, noted that between eight and ten security staff were present that evening.

“By our standards and by any bar’s standards, that’s more than enough security staff for anything that you get thrown your way.”

Schubach noted that nothing worthy of an incident report, “nothing [else] of significance” happened that evening from his point of view. He also stressed that there is no surefire way to know if someone is going to be a security issue.

“There are some people in there who easily identify themselves as potential security issues, but you can’t just label everybody as such… It’s a very reactive work environment, especially for the security guards where you always have to have your eyes up and you always have to be paying attention, and you just have to be ready for pretty much anything.”

Schubach also said that the increase in attendance this school year adds to operational costs while also meaning that the establishment’s public profile is expanding and that with that come challenges.

“I haven’t liked, from a labour standpoint, the amount of security that I’ve had to have on for these events. We’re getting to a point where we’re becoming a place that people want to go again and there was a couple of years where that wasn’t necessarily the case, but it has proven that the more that people want to come there the more you’re going to get the trouble that comes along with it.

Schubach also stressed that the amount of serious incidents at The Owl was far less than other establishments in the city, likening it to a “drop in a pool” by comparison. When asked what his staff allocation would look like for future events, Schubach was to the point.

“I’m not going to be reducing the amount of security, that’s for sure.”

In other Rams related news, a recent walkthrough by University of Regina staff sparked debate on Twitter, with some accusing the University of Regina’s administration of searching the Rams locker room while they were playing.

In a statement sent to the Carillon, Dr. Vianne Timmons said that no such search occurred.

“We received a report of an inappropriate poster in the area, so we did a quick walk-through to check. There was no such poster, and the report was unsubstantiated. The walk-through was an example of the University performing due diligence, since it is incumbent on us to follow up on any concerns we may receive.”

Last Friday, Oct. 19, also saw a fire alarm in the Riddell Centre during the evening. Director of Campus Security Pat Patton said that staff were able to safely handle the situation.

“From what we understand, there was an alarm that was initiated from the fire alarm system, which monitors within the ducting system, and it detected smoke and at that point, the alarm is set off, and the requirements of the law are that we evacuate the building, as a result, until we can ensure that there is no further issue that is happening within the building.”

“Everything went fairly smooth, I don’t think there was any issues from our perspective.”

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