Music review – Evanescence: S/T


Wind-up Records/EMI

Five years after the release of their sophomore album, Evanescence has finally released their long awaited self-titled album. With heavy piano influences peppered with the orchestral romance they’re known for, and frontwoman Amy Lee’s distinctive vocals, the album still bears that Evanescence sound. However, the album is missing the sincerity and introspection that has made their music so relatable and moving.

While it is clear the rest of the band has been given a chance to really show their stuff – the drumming in “My Heart is Broken” is an impressive improvement from albums past – the overall result is a cacophony of razor-sharp instrumentals that lack a lot of diversity between tracks. Known for their deeply insightful and emotionally driven content, this album has dropped the ball with what could best be described as shallow and cliched lyrics. In the pseudo-ballad “Lost in Paradise,” Lee’s breathy vocals lack her usual raw passion and sound overprocessed and contrived.

As a whole, this album is too busy, and though the guitar riffs and drum lines have become more elaborate, the overall melodies are mediocre at best.

Quinn Foster

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