Sports Roundtable – Feb. 3, 2011


We’re split on Super Bowl commercials

Jonathan Hamelin, Edward Dodd, Autumn McDowell, Joseph Grohs
This Week's Roundtable

The Saskatchewan Roughriders announced that special teams coach Jim Daley will not be returning to the team next season. How are you planning to celebrate?

Jonathan Hamelin: I’m planning to remove the machine that has been strapped to my body after I suffered several heart attacks last season due to Daley’s special teams’ shenanigans. I can live again!

Edward Dodd: Huzzah! I have no real plans to celebrate, but this is surely something worth getting excited about.

Autumn McDowell: Oh, tough call. I suppose I could look back on his highlight real of great moments. Who am I kidding? He hasn’t had any. I suppose I’ll celebrate by thanking the football gods for finally getting his ass out of here.
Joseph Grohs: I plan on celebrating by fixing the shelf that I broke during one of the too many men calls.

Sticking with the Riders, Ken Miller has been nominated for the CFL’s coach of the year award. He is up against Marc Trestman (Montreal Alouettes) and Jim Barker (Toronto Argonauts). Will Miller take home the hardware, or are one of the other coaches more deserving?

Hamelin: Jim Barker should and hopefully will take home the prize. He took a completely useless team and made them un-useless. The last transformation I saw that was that impressive was when Lisa Simpson transformed Groundskeeper Willie into a proper gentleman.

Dodd: I sure hope Miller takes home the hardware. His emotionless scowl and crossed arms make him the best coach in the CFL, hands down.

McDowell: Miller won’t take it home. Sorry if I crushed anyone’s dreams by stating the obvious, but I mean Miller, really? Generally they don’t give the coach of the year award to a guy whose team continuously chokes in big games.

Grohs: While I would like Ken Miller to take home the award, I feel the more deserving candidate is Jim Barker. He led the Argos to a 9-9 record last season with no real quarterback, and managed to make it within one game of the Grey Cup. This doesn’t even include the fact that he managed to bounce the Argonauts back from a dismal 3-15 campaign just one year prior.

The NHL all-star game took place this past weekend. Thoughts on the game? The new fantasy draft format? Stan Lee’s comic book creations? Do you even care about the game?

Hamelin: The NHL can try and doll up the all-star game anyway they like and I still wouldn’t watch. The players could play the game on stilts while suspended on tightropes and I wouldn’t care. The lack of hitting is too hard to watch … Wait, that tightrope idea sounds pretty cool.

Dodd: I honestly don’t care about the NHL all-star game, or any other all-star game for that matter. I don’t really understand what the point of them is. Obviously you get to see super teams battle it out, but I just don’t find that as entertaining as a regular hockey game. Call me crazy.
McDowell:  Yes, I most definitely care about the game. In fact, as I write this I am incredibly enraged that curling is on when they claimed the game would be. The new draft format is unreal! Since Kessel got a car for being picked last, the real loser here is the second last pick, which I find hilarious.

Grohs: I love the new draft format, but the game itself is still unappealing for most fans. This has been the only all-star game I have ever paid attention to, because of the excitement surrounding the draft. The actual game itself is just a scoring onslaught that gets boring within the first 10 minutes.

The Green Bay Packers and Pittsburgh Steelers are battling it out this weekend in Super Bowl XLV. Who will win the game?

Hamelin: Is the Super Bowl like the NFL’s Grey Cup?

Dodd: This year, I think Green Bay will take it. Don’t ask me how or why, I just feel it in my bones.

McDowell: To be honest, I don’t like either of these teams, and don’t want to call either of them the champion.  But I suppose I would rather Green Bay won than Mr. Sexual Assault. I say this very reluctantly, go Packers.

Grohs: Even though Aaron Rodgers is playing like a beast, I’m going to have to go with the Pittsburgh Steelers. If Steelers running back Rashard Mendenhall can have an effective game running the ball against the Packers defence, they will have little opportunity to rush Big Ben. If the Packers are unable to pressure the already two-time Super Bowl champion quarterback, he will easily carve them up.

Many people watch the Super Bowl merely for the excellent commercials. What are some of your all-time favourites or most hated?

Hamelin: I usually end up seeing the commercials the day after, as they aren’t played on my TV. There are none that really stand out for me too much, though I thought that advertisement with the baby by the computer was pretty trippy.

Dodd: Oh man, I loathe Super Bowl commercials. They are so overblown and try way too hard to be funny. Some succeed, but most just end up being ridiculous. I hate commercials in general, so why would I love them during the biggest football event of the year? I don't understand.

McDowell: Commercials are my time to go to the kitchen and get more snacks, so I rarely watch them. I am definitely not the person who watches the game purely for the commercials. Call me crazy, but I watch the Super Bowl for the football.

Grohs: The commercials are quite excellent (not that I would really know, I watch the game on Canadian TV). My favourites have to be the Budweiser commercials: everything from the “Clydesdale Donkey” to the “Secret Fridge”, it’s all golden.

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