Arts Roundtable


1. Do you make New Year's Resolutions? Why or why not?
Kyle Leitch: Never. Resolutions are like expectations: if you don’t set them, then you’ve got nothing to be disappointed by when you inevitably fail at them.
Robyn Tocker: I try to, but honestly, I hardly ever keep them. I think people make them just to feel better about themselves and their decisions. You don’t have to make a resolution to break a bad habit or eat better in the new year!
Paul Bogdan: I used to, but I stopped a few years ago because I think they’re bullshit. If you want to change something about yourself, don’t wait around for a new year; just go do it.
Julia Dima: I do, admittedly only because it’s popular dinnertime conversation. What, I'm lonely, okay?

2. Do you end up following through with your proposed resolutions?
Not a once, and I haven’t been disappointed with myself, yet.
RT: As said above, nope!
PB: No, which is also why I stopped making them.
JD: I successfully followed through with one resolution ever. It was to stop playing Farmville. I had a serious problem.

3. Do you have any resolutions for this year?
That would seem to directly contradict the answer I gave to question one, now wouldn’t it?
RT: I kind of do, but it’s mainly just to keep my grades up and go to the gym more often. Nothing mind blowing, that’s for sure.
PB: New Year’s Resolution for 2013: don’t make a New Year’s Resolution for 2013. I’m doing pretty well so far. It’s going to take commitment, but I think I can see this one through for the entire year.
JD: My resolution this year is to sleep at least three hours a night, which will either result in time management improvement or worse procrastination, since I'll use those three hours as an excuse not to do stuff I have to do. Probably the latter.

4. Do people make too big of a deal out of the start of a new year?
Absolutely they do. This year especially, seeing as how the world was supposed to have ended a few weeks ago. We survived another revolution of the earth, congratulations. Now sit down, and shut up.
RT: To an extent. I think it’s good to be excited for a new year with new possibilities, but when people start to get all gun-hoe for it, I start to question their sanity.
PB: Yup, especially granted that my life hitherto has operated on years that functionally begin in September, and my brain is trained to work as such. January 1 is simply the day after Dec. 31.
JD: All people make a big deal out of any milestone date because we fuck up so hideously, and a new year, birthday, whatever, gives the illusion of a clean slate. But, if you had Herpes on Dec. 31, you probably still have it on Jan. 1.

5.  What's the most absurd resolution you've heard of?
Avoid employing my strikingly-decent impression of Mickey Mouse's voice when having sex. I wish I were making that one up.
RT: I haven’t heard a really crazy one in my time, but I’ll keep my ears open for one this year!
PB: Anything really. Generally, people make New Year’s resolutions because it’s a thing people do, and not because they’re legitimately serious about bettering themselves.
JD: After some conversation about skittles, Paul resolved to become a rainbow in 2013. I just can’t see it happening. Sorry, bud.

Photo by Arthur Ward

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