Eyez Up Here


author: annie trussler | op-ed editor

Hey, our eyez are up here/Courtesy of Eyez Up Here

Regina’s newest comedy group prepares for their debut


  1. First of all, begin with introducing yourselves. Tell us a little about your artistic history, your time with theatre, and what you’ve learned.

“My name is Amarige, lover of cats and show tunes! I’ve been involved with the arts since I could walk. I mostly pursue singing, dancing, and acting. I started with ballet, Irish, and Scottish dance. I fell in love with creativity in movement and expression. I’ve been involved in many plays and musicals. I’ve always loved comedy, and felt a wave of inspiration when I witnessed my first improv show. I became more involved in improv through CIGs when I attended Campbell, and NAIL (Northern Alberta Improv League) tournaments when I moved to Edmonton. Improv has given me many fantastic opportunities like travelling, having workshops with some of the greats, and hosting junior improv competitions. This year will be jam packed with improv with Eyes Up Here, Hitchhikers, CIGS and being an exec member on the U of R Improv Team.”

2. Now, tell us a little about Eyez Up Here. What kickstarted this idea? How much do societal ideas of sexism play in?

 “Eyez Up Here was born from a citywide want and need for female dominated comedy. The worldwide comedy scene has transitioned from male domination to a more openly shared space, but we often still lack the resources to have our voices heard as loudly as theirs. Our group is focused on giving that voice to people. We want the space to be inclusive to female-identifying individuals, as well as my fellow non-binary pals.”

  1. Moving forward, what are some major changes the arts community can make?

“We hope that our group inspires the community to be all around more inclusive.”

  1. If you had one message for girls in the arts, what would it be?

“The world is bright and beautiful and full of love, and so are you! Don’t let anyone stunt the growth of your imagination.”

  1. Lastly, what’s the info? Time, date, price!

Sept. 20 at the Creative City Center! Doors open at 7:30 and the show starts at 8:00 p.m!

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