Leak of the week

You're not seeing double. Photo - Taylor MacPherson

You’re not seeing double. Photo – Taylor MacPherson

…Because shame leads to change.

As part of our ongoing efforts to highlight the crumbling infrastructure at the University of Regina, the Carillon proudly presents the ninth part of our Leak of the Week feature, in which we bring you the vital stats on the different failing roofs around campus.


Location: You can find this double-barreled leak upstairs at La Cité. They’re actually easy to find – if you’re not paying attention when you walk into the classroom, you run a very real risk of clotheslining yourself on one or both of them.

Leaking: Yes.

Nickname(s): “The French Connections.”

Apparatus: The classic tarp/hose/pail setup is quickly becoming the standard leak-prevention method for U of R. There is also talk of a joint venture between Facilities Management and the engineering department to publish the revolutionary method in scientific journals and revolutionize leaks worldwide.

Number of people working on it: There are currently some workmen milling about on the roof of the building, but they’ve been up there for a couple of months now, and “working” is such a subjective term…

Mold/Mildew: Yes.

Age: This leak is so new, it’s barely had time to discolour the surrounding ceiling tiles.

Current status: Shameful.

Has it been fixed yet: No.

Impact on students: These leaks are perfectly positioned so that students have to duck under the hoses when they walk into the classroom. In terms of morale, the impact is decisively negative, but the leaks do function as an expectation-management tool, preventing students from ever deluding themselves into thinking the U of R actually cares about their comfort.

Student comment(s): “This leak dripped all over my textbook, my laptop, and my dreams of ever attending a prestigious institution.”

“If these leaks keep up, we’re going to have to change our name to La Shitté.”


If you know of any leaks on campus, or other examples of failing infrastructure that the university should be ashamed of, please contact news@carillonregina.com.

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