
Is there actually a commissioner worse than Dictator Goodell?/Spencer Reid

Is there actually a commissioner worse than Dictator Goodell?/Spencer Reid

The one where we pile on all the bad sports commissioners

Article: Carillon Sports Hall of Fame – suzanne barber, john loeppky, matt wincherauk, brady lang, harrison brooks

1. The Cougars Women’s Basketball team began their exhibition schedule last week, which included games vs Medicine Hat, Lakeland and the Netherlands U18 team. These girls are consistently among the best teams at the U of R. What are your expectations for their season?

Barber: I was abroad last season, so it’s been a while since I’ve seen our ladies play. I’m looking forward to the season.

Loeppky: When a team has succeeded like they have, the goal has to be a national championship. They are coming off a season that saw them miss the final four for only the second time since 2006 and I think that can only push them towards greater glory.


Wincherauk: I fully expect the girls to be back in a position to win the Canada West Championships. They fell just short last season, but with girls like Janine Guijt and Charlotte Kot having an extra year of experience under their belts, they can get even further. It’s title or bust.


Lang: I believe the team will struggle early on this season. They lost a few girls in the offseason and I could see them decline this season.


Brooks: If they’re consistently among the best teams in the school, then that’s what I expect them to be. Good luck ladies and make us proud.

2. Football and basketball always get a lot of coverage at the U of R, but it’s not always necessarily deserved based on results. What’s the one sport on campus that you feel deserves more attention for their exploits?

Barber: The sports that aren’t as appealing to spectators. We have some really talented cross-country runners that deserve more attention.

Loeppky: The track team could do with some more exposure. The team has competed well over the last few years and the men’s team won last season’s Canada West Championships. The team also won five medals at the CIS meet in their most recent campaign.


Wincherauk: I think I’m going to have to agree with Suzanne here. The cross country team doesn’t get enough attention for what they do. Did you know that our very own Matt Johnson won the CIS Individual Championship last season? Didn’t think so. They’re really good.


Lang: I think that the Softball team should get more credit. I may be impartial due to the fact that a member of the softball team is currently a few feet away from me, but I legitimately believe this team is special.


Brooks: Hockey. Women’s hockey particularly, they were one of the best teams in the country last year so its safe to say these girls can play and they deserve a lot of attention.

3. Florida State Seminoles QB Jameis Winston is a prime example of what’s wrong with college sports, in that he feels like he can do anything because he can throw a football well. How would you deal with an out of control student-athlete like Winston?

Barber: This is a tough question. Being a celebrity at 20 must make you feel invincible. That said, his behaviour is egotistical and immature. He needs a mentor and some discipline, to start.

Loeppky: This is going to sound like an insane idea (and maybe it is), but I think that if players were fined after multiple incidents, they might think twice before acting that way again. This would eliminate the need to harm the team’s chances of winning — the factor that lessens the severity of most of these trivial suspensions — either that, or fine the coaches for their players’ actions. If, as many of these coaches say, they are truly dedicated to the notion of the student athlete, then they should have no problem putting their own cash on the line.


Wincherauk: Jameis Winston is about as infuriating as they get. He might be the most talented player to come out since the likes of Andrew Luck and Jadeveon Clowney, but he also has a massive ego. He needs to become more grounded, and suspending him for the first game was a good start. Florida State can’t be lenient with this kid if they want him to be the best he can be.


Lang: Let him play, let him make the mistakes. He has to learn sometime.


Brooks: I would deal with him by not dealing with him. Just suffer through his time there, because it won’t be very long until he’s in the NFL getting in trouble with the law, kinda like every other player in the NFL today.

4. Roger Goodell has been under a lot of fire lately for his handling of the NFL’s recent scandals, and deservedly so. Who is the single worst commissioner in pro sports, currently or in the past?

Barber: Lockout, anyone? My vote goes to NHL commissioner Gary Bettman.

Loeppky: have to agree with former Hockey Night in Canada producer Ralph Mellanby. He titled the chapter in his book Walking with Legends that concerned Bettman’s reign of error. He has consistently placed his own ego before what is good for the game, busying himself with expanding to non-hockey markets in the name of branding and self-promotion.

Wincherauk: My vote goes to the legendary Bud Selig of the MLB. Does the steroid era ring any bells? He let this stuff run rampant, and put a massive smudge mark on the history of baseball. He’s responsible for guys like Barry Bonds, Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa being at the top of his league’s record books.


Lang: Gary fuckin’ Bettman.


Brooks: Gary Bettman. Screw this guy with his lockouts all the time and what not. He deserves to get booed every time he makes an appearance at an event.

5. The NHL season is almost upon us! If you had a chance to go to one game during the regular season, which game would you like to attend?

Barber: I would love to see the Kings play the Sharks in San Jose. I still can’t believe they came back from a 3-0 deficit in the first round of playoffs last year to take the cup.


Loeppky: I want to be at the last battle of Alberta on April 4 to see the Flames and Oilers battle it out for first place in the west. Just kidding, I would rather see a playoff caliber contest near the end of the season. The type of game where the playoff implications have both the stat-fanatics and the old-timey fans salivating.


Wincherauk: I think the one game I need to see this season is the Bruins vs. the Canadiens in Boston… Oh, wait! I ALREADY AM!

Lang: I’d like to go to the Dec. 4 game in Calgary where Iginla comes back. Those are always special games and being a huge Jarome Iginla fan, my answer definitely goes to this game.


Brooks: A little unorthodox but I’d go with Calgary Flames vs. Chicago Blackhawks, the reason is its the best of both worlds for me. I get to see my favourite team play, the Flames, and I’d get to watch my favourite player Jonathan Toews play also.

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