Students continue fight against invasive e-proctoring software

RPIRG offers resources Sarah Carrier

University forcing consent

In the third week since students were first made aware of the Proctortrack software being used for some online classes, students have continued to speak out against the e-proctoring software.

Recently the Regina Public Interest Research Group (RPIRG) started advocating against Proctortrack. Krystal Lewis, Executive Director of RPIRG said, “[RPIRG Outreach co-ordinator] Julian brought up a good point about the idea that the uni assumes if you stay registered in classes, you’re consenting to the use of the software which is not true as many people’s careers, grants, teacherships, and studies could be greatly compromised by missing a semester.”

On their website they have a list of resources about the proctoring software, and other actions students to fight back against this software. Julian Wotherspoon has this written on the RPIRG website:

“U of R STUDENTS: The university is asking your profs to make sure you receive more information about ProctorTrack before the drop deadline so that they can argue that you consented by staying registered. I’ve just sent an email to my faculty letting them know that my continued registration in my fall classes IS NOT to be taken as consent to the use of surveillance software and I have asked for an exemption. All the rest of you should do this too… Of all the hills I thought I would die on at the University of Regina… I always thought it would be a tuition strike, not a ‘please don’t allow a 3rd party software to collect administrative and biometric data about me for profit.’”

As well, many students, including Elias Maze, have written letters to administration, all of which appear to have been ignored by the university. Another student, Carl Sandin, started an online petition for the University of Regina to remove ProctorTrack, a link to which can be found on the RPIRG website. At this point there are over 1600 signatures, and that number is increasing daily.

RPIRG lists other ways to get involved and put pressure on the university on their website, and it’s important all students know they have a voice, and shouldn’t feel cowed by the University. Send letters, write emails, and tweet @UofRFA. All of these can go towards making the administration take notice that students are not impressed by their excuses. The university requires a lesson in consent and students should not be required to give up their privacy for outdated grading systems.

If you have a concern that you don’t feel comfortable voicing, there is a link on the RPIRG website to anonymously share your concerns.

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