Three’s a crowd – What the Puck?

I want to make the hashtag #staystrongtimmy happen

I want to make the hashtag #staystrongtimmy happen

The hockey world is surrounded by tragedy

Article: Autumn McDowell – Sports Editor

[dropcaps round=”no”]W[/dropcaps]hile many hockey fans were focused on the trade deadline last week, three young hockey players were fighting for their lives.

Normally I like to keep this column funny, and witty – or at least, that’s how I imagine it coming across. But, I can’t be funny when tragedy has surrounded the hockey world.

On Feb. 28, the Western Hockey Leagues Kootenay Ice forward Tim Bozon scored his 30th goal of the season against the Saskatoon Blades, but the celebration post lighting the lamp wouldn’t last long.

The day after the game, when the team was scheduled to head home to Kootenay, the 19-year-old did not join his team and was instead transported to the Royal University Hospital in Saskatoon. And just like that, Bozon was suddenly diagnosed with Neisseria meningitis and was said to be in critical condition.

The scary thing about this type of bacterial infection is that it is usually severe, and could come with devastating side effects for the Montreal Canadiens prospect, which may include brain damage and learning disabilities.

In a recent update released by the Kootenay Ice, it was announced that Bozon’s parents had been flown in from Switzerland to be by their son’s side while doctors had decided to place Bozon in a medically induced coma in an effort to slow down the progression of the disease.

Everyone in the hockey community is hoping for full recovery for the young hockey player. Right now, it isn’t his career that people are worried about, it’s his life.

Unfortunately, Bozon’s medical situation is not the only one that has the hockey community worried for.

Terry Trafford, a 20-year-old player with the Ontario Hockey Leagues Saginaw Spirit has gone missing. Trafford, who was eligible for draft this year, was last seen in Michigan on Mar. 3 leaving the team’s rink when he was believed to be driving to Toronto, but he hasn’t been heard from since.

A week has now come and gone, and although friends and family have reached out on social media in hopes that someone had seen him, or his truck, no one has received any tips on his whereabouts.

Finally, as if two tragic events weren’t enough, Calgary Flames forward Matt Stajan had to live every parent’s nightmare.

Moments after Matt and his wife Katie gave birth to their son, Emerson, he passed away. As a result Stajan has taken a personal leave from the team while he has time to begin to grieve the loss.

They say bad things happen in threes, and that could not be truer in this situation. Normally, I am complaining about the latest happenings of Gary Bettman, or bizarre rule changes or hating the Maple Leafs but it is situations like this that make me realize that those little things don’t matter. These player’s stories have touched the lives of many people, pulled at our heartstrings and made us realize what’s important.

I hope to see all three of you back on the ice soon, where you belong.

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