What’s it like to write about the Cougars?

Our sports writer had just as much fun writing this article as Celia Michaud had in this picture./Arthur Ward

Our sports writer had just as much fun writing this article as Celia Michaud had in this picture./Arthur Ward

A look into the life of the sports (hockey) section

Author: kristian ferguson – sports writer

We here at the Carillon are a bit of a sentimental folk, so with our last issue of this volume, we decided to reflect on a year of Cougars athletics and what it is like to be a sports journalist. Whether this ends up being informative for anyone looking to get into the expansive world of journalism (we are hiring, by the way) or just something to pass the time, this one is for you.

Sports in general are already fairly confusing. Lots of names, lots of numbers, and in the case of the University, lots of teams. Thinking about the sheer scale of things to write about that happen around the University of Regina can be intimidating because, damn, there is a lot going on. Hockey here, women’s basketball there, thirty-eight different weight classes of wrestling over there. With that much happening, it becomes a task within itself just to compartmentalize and focus on what makes a good story. Thankfully, lowly writers have editors to look up to and help provide direction (you the man, Loeppky) to keep us on track.

Once the logistics of finding a potential story have been handled, you have to get your facts straight. Thankfully, most of this can be handled just by talking to the people you are focusing on. Interviews are tough, organizing times, recording the conversation, hell, sometimes just finding a way to get a hold of someone is hard. Once you do though, you are opened up to an entirely new world of sports, the players.

The players really know better than anyone what is happening. How their team is doing, what they should be focusing on to improve, what they are doing right, all of that good stuff. The U of R has shown that time and again, its dedicated athletes are not only open with the press, but are genuinely excited to talk about how their team and their school is doing. Regardless of where their team ranks in the country, the players share their enthusiasm with us so that the student body can gain some insight into the state of sport around the University.

While the players are an excellent source of information, the coaches are a treasure trove. While they are by no means the vanguard of university-level sport, they are just as informed as the players. They help provide that outside view of a team that is needed to see things objectively and improve. Coaches are to players like what editors are to journalists, providing direction and reminding you to stop slacking off and get your job done. Frankly, there are a whole host of similarities between journalists and athletes that could probably be saved for a future article.

Overall, sports and journalism go hand-in-hand. Sports are so full of drama, upsets, and tenacity that not even the campiest of soap operas can hope to out-do. For fans and non-fans alike, everyone loves an underdog story and sports are so well equipped to provide that kind of dramatic outlet. The Cougars, too, have had a season of ups and downs across multiple disciplines that are examples of the theatrics of sport. Wherever you can find theatrics and a narrative that can be captured, you are sure to find a journalist, hastily taking notes and stressing about deadlines. This is a thank you to the Cougars for all of the marvelous material they have provided our establishment over this season. See you in the summer!

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